SKYTRAX awarded ANA 5-Star COVID-19 Safety Rating

ANA received a 5 Star COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating from SKYTRAX. Therefore, this is the first airline in Asia to acquire highest level 5-Star COVID-19 Safety Rating. This is in addition to the 5-Star Rating for Airport and Onboard Services..

ANA Care Promise & COVID-19 Rating SKYTRAX

ANA Care Promise enforces social distancing, usage of face mask, hand hygiene, and signage. With those, SKYTRAX evaluates this highly and awarded the highest level 5-Star to All Nippon Airways.

The 5-Star COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating evaluates over 190 protocols and confirms that the ANA Care Promise and related initiatives have been effective at countering the spread of COVID-19.

SKYTRAX 5 star
SKYTRAX 5 star

You can also browse more ANA’s rewards:

For more information on this award, you can visit their website, and get back to flying again.

About SKYTRAX & Safety Rating

Founded in 1989 and based in London in the U.K., SKYTRAX is a company providing ratings for the aviation industry. In addition to the World Airline Ratings in which airlines are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, SKYTRAX also holds the annual World Airline Awards, in which it evaluates over 200 airlines and presents awards based on a range of customer surveys, including its very own online questionnaires. In addition, COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating which evaluates hygiene and cleanliness, has been introduced from August, 2020. ANA is the first airline in Asia to be certified with the highest level 5-Star for this rating in March, 2021.

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